Inspirational Tuesday - Crowded Ways of Life

Welcome to Netties Expressions Tuesday's Free Inspirational Graphic blog post. 

This poem was written in response to the poem which I shared last week. Click HERE to read last weeks poem, "The House by the Side of the Road." I love the poem which I shared last week, but I really love the way this poet wrote. 

It's good to live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man. But...there's so many burdened souls, tired souls, sad souls, heart broken souls and souls in pain. Walking with the crowd in the road allows us to be available to see the need...lend a helping hand, give some cheer, help someone carry their load

***Please remember that these graphics are designed by Netties Expressions for your personal use only. Please respect this and do not try to claim these as your own or use them for resale.

Click on the image below to download a free copy of this graphic. You can print this image and hang it up somewhere or frame it.

"There are wounds to be healed, there are breaks we must mend, there's a cup of cold water to give; too busy to live in the house by the way, too happy for such an abode. And my heart sings its praise to the Master of all, who is helping me serve in the road."


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