Inspirational Tuesday - He Stubbed His Toe

Welcome to Netties Expressions Tuesday's Free Inspirational Graphic blog post. 

I love, love this poem. It just completely resonates with me. This is an old poem with the author unknown. 

Do you ever feel like the little boy who stubbed his toe? Just needing a friend to treat you "sorter kind like" we get older we may feel like we're "too old for sobs and cries, but we're grievin' just as earnest, if it only comes in sighs" and it's "mighty comfortin', sometimes to have a fellow stop, and help you, when you've been and stubbed your toe." We never know what those around us are facing or going through and maybe all they need is just a little word of kindness.

***Please remember that these graphics are designed by Netties Expressions for your personal use only. Please respect this and do not try to claim these as your own or use them for resale.

Click on the image below to download a free copy of this graphic. You can print this image and hang it up somewhere or frame it.

"The time you think you've got the world the tightest in your grip, is the very time you'll find, you're the likeliest to slip, and it's might comfortin', sometimes, I know, to have a fellow stop, and help you, when you've been and stubbed your toe."


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