Large Rustic Wooden Snowmen are Back In Stock

I'm excited to tell you that my large rustic wooden snowmen are finally back in stock. You can purchase these through my online shop by clicking the link above or any of the pictures below.

I'll give you a short explanation on these adorable snowmen.

There is a lot of love and even more hard work that goes into creating these delightful snowmen.

I purchase my lumber from a local sawmill. The lumber is from locally harvested trees near Roblin, Manitoba. You can get much more locally handmade than that. 

Here you can see the rough lumber. This is exactly how it looks when I purchase it.

I plane all the wood before making the snowmen.

This phase of planing the wood takes awhile. Once this is done the wood is cut into the correct sizes and sanded.

After all the pieces of each snowman are sanded, I start with drilling holes for the screws. Each snowman is screwed together as well as using lots of wood glue to create a solid snowman.

Then on to making the hats. What a process...

The snowmen get to rest when they receive their noses. I like to let them rest for 24 hours after this.

Here you get a glimpse of the almost finished snowmen. They are ready for their hats and scarves.

....and finally...

the finished snowman. Isn't he adorable?

Each snowman comes with a name to add a little personalization. This year all the names start with the letter, "A".

Below you can see Antonio.

~ Have a lovely day!


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